Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Latest Footprints News!

We are thrilled to tell you that we have been donated  50 ESV Study Bibles. This Amazing donation will enable me to give one of these Bibles to 50 Pastors trouhout Africa.

We have been able to acquire a plot of land in Zambia through a very generous donation of R10 000. Now we start the long process of raising money to put up a building.

Our Christian Books for Africa gave a new Bible Commentary and a Bible Dictionary to all graduating students of  KMBC our Bible Collage.

Our Next Fooutprint into Africa is a Missionary Safari
where together with 3 of my friends, we will be driving up to the Democratic Republic of Congo to deliver hundreds of books and articles of clothing as well as some 2nd hand computers to the new Bible College we are establishing in Lumbumbashi.We will be traveling 7500KM in one week - it will be hectic but very exciting!

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